The Advocate
Daniel Madison
The best and most practical card index ever created.
The Advocate is by far Daniel’s most favorite discovery and deceptive tool and was for many years his best kept secret, and it has been a monster of a reputation maker for him. This is his 4th edition of this book; where the predecessors were written with the magician and the effects in mind, this edition keeps due focus on the device itself for deceptive use. Although ‘tricks’ have not been removed from this edition they have been simplified and reduced to suggestions as opposed to focal points of the book. Much deserved extra attention has been paid to the use, uses and possibilities achievable with the device.
The Advocate is nothing more than a deck of playing cards, nothing is added and it will take you less than a minute to make without the call of any other instrument or application. Not only that, as the index IS a deck of cards, you will never have to worry about being caught carrying any secret devices.
This book will teach you the simple construction of the device from your own deck of cards, you will learn the indexing system, how to use it correctly, diligently and to its full advantage, advice is offered for care and additional handling and indexing systems, tricks are suggested and a pathway is created for you to become a master of your own applications for the Advocate index.
Daniel is confident in saying that this is the most versatile and simple index you will see or use and although similar concepts have been (rarely) used he feels confident in releasing the Advocate to keep this deserving secret alive and pay respect and thanks to those who started me on this road. If you’ve never used a card index before, after discovering the Advocate, you’ll never leave home without it.
“…Daniel, I honestly and truly wish you had developed this, shared it with me and then forgotten it yourself, you are out of your skull for selling it. Looking forward to watching you kick yourself in the ass when you suddenly realize this was something too good to sell for so little, if at all…” – Michael Weber“…this is gold…” – Dan White
“…any card, any time, anywhere…this is by far the best product release from Daniel Madison…” – Myles Nakouzi
“…this device changed my repertoire forever, the Advocate is like steroids for card tricks…” – Randall Freeman
“…you see a lot of products that say ‘endless possibilities’ or ‘limited only by your imagination.’ This is the only product that I think those statements have any truth about…” – Christopher Alexander
Advocate Wedge
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name any card of their choice. The performer then asks the spectator to deal any two cards from anywhere in the deck without looking at them, offering a 2 in 52 chance of dealing their named card. The cards are turned over to show that the named card has not been dealt. Still in the spectators hands, the two cards are then thrown into the deck face up. The deck is spread to reveal a single face down card between them…The spectators freely name card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are asked to name any card of their choice. The performer also asks the spectator to name a number between 1 and 52. The spectator is then asked to deal the cards until they get to their named number. The card at their number is turned over to reveal their named card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name any card of their choice. The performer then asks the spectator to name a number between 1 and 52. The performer then deals the cards until he gets to the named number to reveal the spectators named card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name any card of their choice. The performer then asks the spectator to throw the cards up into the air. As the cards fall, the performer reaches out and catches one…The spectators freely named card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name any card of their choice. The performer then explains a technique used for deception at the card table known as ‘Sleeving.’ He then slowly pulls up his sleeve to show the spectators freely named card up his sleeve.
Card to Pocket
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name any card of their choice. The performer then slowly reaches into his pocket and retrieves the spectators freely thought of card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name any card of their choice. The spectator then searches through the cards to find a single face down card…the freely named card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name any card of their choice. The spectator then searches through the cards to find a single card in the middle or a different color…The named card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle. The performer introduces an envelope and shows that there is a single card inside. The spectator is then asked to name ANY card of their choice. The performer opens the envelope and slowly removes the playing card to reveal the freely named card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle. The performer points out a nearby object (eg. a Bin or Trash can). The spectator is then asked to name any playing card. The performer slowly reaches into the bin and retrieves a single card. The freely named card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name a playing card. The spectator is asked to name any book in the shop or on the book shelf. The performer takes the book and riffles the pages, a single card is seen to fall out from the pages of the book…the freely named card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are asked to name a playing card. The performer removes his hat and asks the spectator to drop the deck inside. The performer reaches in and quickly pulls out a single playing card…the freely named card.
The spectator is handed a deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name a playing card. The performer slowly opens his mouth to reveal a folded playing card sit in his mouth. The card is opened and revealed to be the selected card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name a playing card. The performer then points out that there is a single card under/in the spectators glass/bottle…the freely named card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle. The performer tells the spectator that one of the cards in the deck has been signed by a woman named Ruby. The spectator is asked to name a playing card. The named card is removed and revealed to be the only card in the deck signed by Ruby.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name a playing card. The performer opens the pocket of his suit jacket to show that it is empty, the spectator is invited to drop the deck into the pocket. The performer then quickly dips his hand into the pocket and removes a card from the deck…the freely named card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name a playing card. Before replacing the cards to the box, the spectator is asked to make sure their named card is still in the deck.
The Perfect Deal
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name any four of a kind. The performer takes the deck and begins to deal cards into a pile, four times during the deal he deals a card to the side. The spectator is invited to turn over the four cards to reveal their freely named four of a kind.
Graffiti Advocate
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name a playing card. The deck is spread on a surface to reveal that one of the cards has graffiti spray paint on the back of it. The card is removed and revealed to be the freely named card, which also has spray paint on the face of it.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name a playing card. The performer lights a lighter and asks the spectator wave the corner over the flame for a few seconds. The deck is spread on a surface to reveal that a single card in the deck has been burnt…the freely named playing card.
Four Card Advocate
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, the cards are then placed in the performers pocket. The spectator is then invited to name a playing card. The performer then reaches into his pocket and removes two cards, one of the same suite and one of the same value as the freely named card. The spectator is invited to name another card, this time the performer removes a single card from his pocket…the freely named card.
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name a playing card. The performer asks the spectator to deal a playing card from anywhere in the deck in attempt to find their own named card. The card is turned to show that it is not the named card. The spectator is then asked to place this incorrect card in their pocket. The performer then talks of his experience in pickpocketing and shows that the incorrect card is actually in his pocket and the freely named playing card is found in the spectators pocket.
The Invisible Card
The spectator is handed an invisible deck and invited to ‘pretend to shuffle.’ They are then invited to name a playing card. The performer asks the spectator to spread the invisible cards between their hands face down. The performer takes an invisible card out of the deck and invites the spectator to believe that this is their named card. The performer then sandwiches his hands around the invisible cards for a moment, when he opens his hands he reveals a single playing card sat in his hand, the card is turned over to reveal the freely revealed card.
White Out
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then asked to name a playing card. The performer takes the deck and spreads it face up on the surface. The deck is revealed to have 51 blank faces, the only card in the blank deck is the freely named card.
Card to Mouth
The spectator is handed the deck and invited to shuffle, they are then invited to name a playing card. By the time the spectator has finished shuffling the deck, the named card is seen to be hanging from the performer’s mouth.
The spectator is handed a deck that has random playing cards written on the back of each card. They are invited to shuffle and then name which card they think has the 4 of Hearts written on the back of it. The spectator’s freely named card is found to be the only card in the deck to have the 4 of Hearts written on the back of it.
1st edition 2010; 13 pages.
word count: 7909 which is equivalent to 31 standard pages of text
51 reviews for The Advocate
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Cristian Pestritu –
Madison – The Advocate – bold, awesome ,badass ; i’ve been using this since i firist saw it and it’s with me every where i go. Madison – Madness!!!
Ben Weakley –
This is amazing!!!! I bought this a couple hours ago and I am almost done learning it 😀 this card trick is amazing and will sure blow peoples mind
Richard Brealey –
A genius idea, that’s invisible to the spectator. The DVD is taught very well and easy to understand. The possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination.