Coinvexed III

David Penn

The final answer in coin bending.


“Just when I thought my favourite coin bending gimmick couldn’t get any better, David Penn has literally shattered my expectations! The new ‘Coinvexed Double Coin Bend’ routine is the final answer in coin bending! It is going straight into my set! This will be the first new material from another artist in my show, for two years. It’s that damn good!” – Morgan Strebler

“That’s F###ing Awesome! Can I Get That Now?” – David Blaine

“This takes the original (and great!) Coinvexed tool and gives it an extra 50%. The original was very clever but this just takes the biscuit!” – James Brown, Winner of The Magic Circle Close Up Magician of the Year

“In short, this is superb. The ultimate solution to the bending coin plot. It ticks all the right boxes – commercial, deceptive and extremely memorable. Very highly recommended!” – Rob James, Review for Magicweek

When David Penn released his Coinvexed coin bending gimmick, it established itself as the number one choice for professional magicians and mentalists all over the world. Coinvexed Third Generation takes the project even further with an improved gimmick and a DVD featuring three real world working routines.

In David Penn’s double coin bend routine, a spectator signs a coin, which can be borrowed. Then something very extraordinary happens as they feel the coin bend within their own hands. The reactions for this are incredible as the coin is also signed! A second signed coin then bends whilst being isolated under their palm, on a table top. The spectator can then keep the coins as a souvenir, which freezes the moment for them forever.

No switches! The coins that the spectator has signed are the same coins that bend. Only the coins and the sharpie are seen and the sharpie can be used by the spectator to sign the coin. No special chemicals! Just diabolically clever gimmicks that hide in full view.

Get ready to unleash the ultimate signed coin bend on your audience! Reactions are guaranteed!

“Just when I thought my favourite coin bending gimmick couldn’t get any better, David Penn has literally shattered my expectations! The new ‘Coinvexed Double Coin Bend’ routine is the final answer in coin bending! It is going straight into my set! This will be the first new material from another artist in my show, for two years. It’s that damn good!” – Morgan Strebler

“That’s F###ing Awesome! Can I Get That Now?” – David Blaine

“This takes the original (and great!) Coinvexed tool and gives it an extra 50%. The original was very clever but this just takes the biscuit!” – James Brown, Winner of The Magic Circle Close Up Magician of the Year

“In short, this is superb. The ultimate solution to the bending coin plot. It ticks all the right boxes – commercial, deceptive and extremely memorable. Very highly recommended!” – Rob James, Review for Magicweek

When David Penn released his Coinvexed coin bending gimmick, it established itself as the number one choice for professional magicians and mentalists all over the world. Coinvexed Third Generation takes the project even further with an improved gimmick and a DVD featuring three real world working routines.

In David Penn’s double coin bend routine, a spectator signs a coin, which can be borrowed. Then something very extraordinary happens as they feel the coin bend within their own hands. The reactions for this are incredible as the coin is also signed! A second signed coin then bends whilst being isolated under their palm, on a table top. The spectator can then keep the coins as a souvenir, which freezes the moment for them forever.

No switches! The coins that the spectator has signed are the same coins that bend. Only the coins and the sharpie are seen and the sharpie can be used by the spectator to sign the coin. No special chemicals! Just diabolically clever gimmicks that hide in full view.

Get ready to unleash the ultimate signed coin bend on your audience! Reactions are guaranteed!

(12 customer reviews)

12 reviews for Coinvexed III

  1. Y. Ethan Oum

    If you handle the gimmicks right and perform it right, you can perform this in front of spectators and they don’t suspect a thing. You do have to handle two gimmicks but they are so deceptively made, spectators won’t notice it while its right in front of them. The routine is clever. The misdirection is built right in so they are easily distracted while you do the deed. With something like Quantum Bender that uses just one gimmick, you still have to do something while they are watching you so I suspect using that gimmick has a greater chance of being caught, but I don’t have it so I suppose it depends how you are instructed to use it. I do know that I performed Coinvexed tonight and the two friends didn’t notice a thing. What I did flew right by them!

  2. Richard D.

    I’ve had this for a few years and I’ve performed it many, many times. The quality of the product is holding up very well over the years; it still works like new.

    Also, this is actually pretty fun to perform. There’s a lot of room for improvisation and to tailor this to your character. It’s not quite so routine-driven, if that makes sense.

    I’m sure you do like I do – whenever I’m learning a new trick, most of the first people I perform for are friends and family. So here’s the thing: this is the one effect that everyone I know always talks about, even years later. It is THAT memorable. One of my closest friends often tells me how she still has that quarter, the one that somehow I bent in her hand. I’ve heard her brag to other people that I have this ability. My mom is the same. She’s often telling me, “I still don’t know how you did that thing with the quarter…” and of course, everyone I’ve performed this for still has kept their souvenir quarter. Safe to say: this effect leaves a lasting impression.

    It may have to do with my presentation. Coinvexed is the climax to my routine where I talk about imagining coins doing this and doing that. (I precede this effect with a few other coin effects, including Imagination Coins by Garret Thomas.) When you convince someone that THEY have bent the coin with their own imagination, they don’t soon forget it. Oh, sure, they know it was me and not them…but you can see they are thinking, “what if…just, what if?” They know that I do tricks, but this? They really do seem to feel it’s magic. It’s powerful.

    The point is, of all the magic I have ever performed for friends and family, this is the one effect they always remember and want me to repeat. (Which, of course, I never do!) Pricy, perhaps, but this effects pays off.

  3. Guy R.

    There is a reason why Morgan gave David penn that amazing statement. I’ve got this today and watched the DVD and this is the only way people should be bending coins (no joke). David has put so much thought into this and that is one of the reasons what makes this so good. And plus the gimmick/gimmicks are in plain sight the whole time and the spectator won’t even notice. I don’t have any complaints about this trick all all it’s just amazing and I will keep this on me 24/7. And every write reviews on this it’s just amazing.

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