Tally Ho

Circle Back


A great choice for flourishers and magicians.


A high-quality Linoid finish makes Tally-Ho playing cards the premiere choice among flourishers and card magicians alike. The classic Circle Back design exudes elegance and sophistication. A timeless classic. Heavily favored by the magic community as an all around solid performing deck.

Produced and manufactured by the US Playing Card Company. Available in RED and BLUE each at a very low price.

A high-quality Linoid finish makes Tally-Ho playing cards the premiere choice among flourishers and card magicians alike. The classic Circle Back design exudes elegance and sophistication. A timeless classic. Heavily favored by the magic community as an all around solid performing deck.

Produced and manufactured by the US Playing Card Company. Available in RED and BLUE each at a very low price.

(17 customer reviews)

17 reviews for Tally Ho (Circle Back)

  1. Matt D.

    I love the finish, the handling, and they stand up to lots of use. These are my faves for an ungimmicked deck.

  2. Chris Lu

    Still to this day, the highest quality to cost ratio out there.

  3. Garry

    Great looking deck which offers a bit of variety.

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