Shadow Masters


Beautiful fanning and luxury stock.


Shadow Masters are the third wonder in the Bicycle Masters Series.
The theme promotes darkness and shadow.
Handling the deck, you now know what it is to have efficient, quality tools in your hands and use thick, luxury stock.

“If Sin City had a deck… be the Shadow Masters.”– DJKuttDecks, Ellusionist Forums

The finish is time tested classic glide and durability of the USPC air-cushion finish. Black ink gives way to the dusky, faded approach on the artwork.

Fans perfect.  Springs perfect. Edges are phenomenal.” – Aznman, Portland

One Joker holds the sands of time, but this changes to a three of diamonds reveal in the other Joker’s hands. One “extra card” is double backed as a gift from Ellusionist to our cardworker friends.

“Getting them wet now… from drool.   :)” – Darian (CardArtist from Ellusionist Forums)

The Ace of Spades is guarded, stately and confined to shadow. Your talent is best kept quiet and used wisely.

“… to be holding something this sexy…” – Luckyboy, Clearfield, UT.

Amen. They.  Are.  Worth.  The.  Hype.” – Zodiac192, Ellusionist Forums

Shadow Masters are the third wonder in the Bicycle Masters Series.
The theme promotes darkness and shadow.
Handling the deck, you now know what it is to have efficient, quality tools in your hands and use thick, luxury stock.

“If Sin City had a deck… be the Shadow Masters.”– DJKuttDecks, Ellusionist Forums

The finish is time tested classic glide and durability of the USPC air-cushion finish. Black ink gives way to the dusky, faded approach on the artwork.

Fans perfect.  Springs perfect. Edges are phenomenal.” – Aznman, Portland

One Joker holds the sands of time, but this changes to a three of diamonds reveal in the other Joker’s hands. One “extra card” is double backed as a gift from Ellusionist to our cardworker friends.

“Getting them wet now… from drool.   :)” – Darian (CardArtist from Ellusionist Forums)

The Ace of Spades is guarded, stately and confined to shadow. Your talent is best kept quiet and used wisely.

“… to be holding something this sexy…” – Luckyboy, Clearfield, UT.

Amen. They.  Are.  Worth.  The.  Hype.” – Zodiac192, Ellusionist Forums

(68 customer reviews)

68 reviews for Shadow Masters

  1. Austin Hegdahl

    These cards have a very dark look to them
    They are some of the best griping cards I’ve used one of my top 5 favourite decks

  2. Max Samel-Garloff

    AWESOME!!! deck of cards. This deck of cards feels so good in the hand and are beautiful to look at. I am someone who only wares black, all my stuff is black, lets just say my favorite color is black. I have been looking for an all black deck of cards and by far these are the blackest ones I can find.

  3. Alex Quiones

    I wrote a review months ago, and I got this deck last week. It has changed dramatically for better, the cards usually get sticky in a couple of days/weeks, but this cards last for more than a month, the dark feeling is just awesome and mysterious I love this deck thanks

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