Black Tiger


Everything about the deck screams HIGH-IMPACT.


Get your paws on a Bicycle® Black Tiger playing card deck with reversed color. This stunning deck features reversed out white on black card backs and faces. The perfect gift for any card players, card collectors, magicians or just another way to impress your friends with optimal visual impact because, FYI, the tuck looks amazing under blacklight!.

Everything about the deck screams HIGH-IMPACT.

The visual impact of the cards is startling. Voodoo, witchcraft, burned and blackened cards… mere concepts come alive with reverse image cards.

Some of the Black Tiger deck features:

  • Rich Black Faces & Reverse Back Boarders
  • Black-light sensitivity
  • Classic Air-Cushion Finish® for ease of shuffling and optimum performance
  • Printed on premium Bicycle brand cardstock, Made in the USA

Get your paws on a Bicycle® Black Tiger playing card deck with reversed color. This stunning deck features reversed out white on black card backs and faces. The perfect gift for any card players, card collectors, magicians or just another way to impress your friends with optimal visual impact because, FYI, the tuck looks amazing under blacklight!.

Everything about the deck screams HIGH-IMPACT.

The visual impact of the cards is startling. Voodoo, witchcraft, burned and blackened cards… mere concepts come alive with reverse image cards.

Some of the Black Tiger deck features:

  • Rich Black Faces & Reverse Back Boarders
  • Black-light sensitivity
  • Classic Air-Cushion Finish® for ease of shuffling and optimum performance
  • Printed on premium Bicycle brand cardstock, Made in the USA
(27 customer reviews)

27 reviews for Black Tiger

  1. HC

    Pretty good cards, edges get slightly chipped white but that’s to be expected, still gonna use them as little as possible to keep them in shape

  2. JAckson

    Good playing cards and also good for cardistry. Very good designs and colors, although the side of the cards had some discoloration they still handle very well.

  3. Misty

    My husband loves negative or reverse card colors. He was more impressed with the Fathom deck but he loves collecting the different decks so it was a nice addition to his collection.

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